Dartanyan— Very thoughtful piece. Thank you! I make this observation based on my years as a newspaper publisher and broadcasting manager. On the mention of newsroom role models in your earlier days, you are now joined in a Collaborative where several of your models still abide, the aforementioned Randy Evans and Laura Belin, as well as other veteran hard news journalists such as Doug Burns, Art Cullen, Arnold Garson, Bob Leonard, Chuck Offenburger, Dave Busiek, Cheryl Tevis, Kyle Munson, Ed Tibbetts, Dave Price just to name a few of the other Iowa Collaborators I’d want in my dream team newsroom. What a rush that would be! And on the role of a free press and open government, I share with you a link back to a column I posted about the “Tone At The Top” in state government: https://okobojiwriters.substack.com/p/its-the-tone-at-the-top-stupid. Sure glad you joined IWC!

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Huge thanks Richard! I suppose I'm still a hopeless idealist on these matters but (thankfully) some of these notions die hard. I'm really grateful to Julie for searching me out and persuading me to stop grousing and start writing. As I said a few posts back, reading this group is like settling in with the Cowles Sunday Register (and Big Peach) for the afternoon. Props to all.

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My undergrad degree is in Journalism, a few years before you, though the syllabus was nearly identical. I recall, vaguely, the only tenet I questioned was about 'suppression of the news' ... a tricky one, and one that calls for some -- or maybe more than some -- subjective analyses.

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Who is doing the suppressing and why would be my question.

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