Fibonacci Jazz - Acrylic on Canvas by Paula Egan 2021
After the week we’ve all had here’s 19 minutes no words. Preferably good headphones, moderate volume. Seated or prone your option. Breathe with the ebb and flow of the sound.
‘Resolution’ audio art by Dartanyan - Des Moines 1987
At our Qigong exercise outside this morning, on an overlook where we could see the Alaska Range in the distance, a Sandhill Crane flew over, inspiring us to honor the Crane with a Crane Dance. This music reminds me of the crane, our Qigong meditation, and the glory of the sun coming out during Qigong after a day of drenching rain yesterday. Thanks for the music! 🙏🏼🎶 💖 . . . Today is my birthday. I always take in some music on my birthday. What better music than this to breathe me into my 72nd year.
Great combination of the music and Paula’s beautiful painting. Both great design and expression at many levels-
At our Qigong exercise outside this morning, on an overlook where we could see the Alaska Range in the distance, a Sandhill Crane flew over, inspiring us to honor the Crane with a Crane Dance. This music reminds me of the crane, our Qigong meditation, and the glory of the sun coming out during Qigong after a day of drenching rain yesterday. Thanks for the music! 🙏🏼🎶 💖 . . . Today is my birthday. I always take in some music on my birthday. What better music than this to breathe me into my 72nd year.